Approach company headquaters
Our company headquarters are in Hofbieber in East Hesse.
The adress is:
Fulcoline GmbH & Co.KG
Fuldaer Straße 1
36145 Hofbieber
Telefax: 06657 914358
Approach warehouse
Our warehouse is located in Eichenzell near Fulda. The adress is:
Fulcoline GmbH & Co.KG
Bürgermeister-Schlag-Str. 10-15
36124 Eichenzell-Welkers
Warehouse address Italy
Our warehouse address in Italy. The adress is:
DGF Trans – Deposito 2 Fulcoline GmbH & Co.KG
Via Per Inveruno 103
20010 Busto Garolfo